Our deeply-discounted wide format ink, toner and paper prices are below the minimum allowed price we can advertise. But we can give you detailed pricing once requested by phone or email.
As a Top 10 U.S. Reseller our bulk purchasing power means we can offer the wide format supplies you need at the best price. We carry one of the largest inventories of wide format inks, toners and media in New England. Chances are, the ink supply you need is in our warehouse, ready to be shipped.
Our actual selling prices are far below the prices shown on our website. The prices shown are the minimum selling price we are allowed to advertise.
We have been New England's trusted source for Plotter inks, toners and media since 1980 and New England's only Platinum Prime Partner.
We can quote our low prices to you if requested.
Click here to request our Lowest Prices on wide format media / papers